The TG Archive of the War contains copies of messages, photos, videos, and other types of data from the Telegram groups and channels related to the Russian invasion. The archived data mainly covers the period from 24 February 2022 to 12 June 2023, although data was collected outside this period in some cases.
For more information on the themes of the material collected, please see the
Thematic Collections page.
includes documentation on the types and methods of data collection.
Due to the sensitivity of the materials and the war and occupation of Ukrainian territories, we provide access only to the part of the archive that we consider relatively safe. Most of the materials directly or indirectly related to the occupied territories, hostilities, minors, or materials containing personal data will remain inaccessible for an indefinite period of time.
Please note that even in the archival material selected for access, there may be footage of murders and cases of ill-treatment, pictures of dead and mutilated bodies. The messages may also contain propaganda language of aggression and hate speech, pejorative vocabulary, etc.
To work with the accessible part of the HTML data, we use a web application called
TG Research. Access to the web application is possible after filling in the registration form and reading the terms of the user agreement (below). When registering, please describe the purpose of your request, the details of your research and information about your institution or initiative.
Once the request has been approved, you will be able to browse the online catalogue and select a list of archival items to access via the TG Research web application. The tool allows you to browse archival sources directly in the web application using text search and filters (instructions for using the application
). Export in CSV format is also possible (please specify this need in your request).
Please note that the archive's data have been collected over different time periods and that the selection is fragmentary and selective. Due to technical difficulties, some records may be incomplete. The online catalogue also indicates such cases and the dates of data harvesting.
Apart from HTML, the Archive has collected a similar collection of material in JSON format. Access to these files can be provided on special request.
Possible Violation of Rights Clause
The TG Archive of the War respects the Personal Data, intellectual property rights and other rights of third parties. Under appropriate circumstances and at its sole discretion, the TG Archive of the War team may delete certain Data (content) or disable access to the Data (content)which may potentially violate or infringe the rights of a personal data subject, copyright or other intellectual property rights of third parties.
If you believe that your rights as the rights of a personal data subject and/or your copyright have been violated by posting the Data through the TG Archive of the War, please
provide the TG Archive of the War team with as follows:
– the identification of a work with copyright which you believe has been infringed, or the identification of the Data where your personal data is disseminated;
– an accurate description of a place and materials of the TG Archive of the War, where the Data you are complaining about is located;
– your address, phone number and e-mail for feedback;
– your statement that you believe in good faith that the disputed use/processing is not permitted by the copyright holder, personal data subject or law and that you can provide
appropriate evidence.